The IP Office of Mozambique has issued a note on Substantive Examination of Patents (Notice 2/2020 published on 15 June 2020). The note evokes the Mozambican patent law regarding patent application procedures on two specific points, namely article 66 and article 69 of the Industrial Property Code.
First, under article 66 the IPO after the examination of formalities will proceed to publish an abstract of the invention within 18 months after the date of application or the date of priority.
Second, under article 69, the applicant should file a request for the substantive examination of the patent and pay the respective fee within 36 months after the date of application or the date of priority. Importantly, the IPO note points out that if such request is not filed the application will be deemed withdrawn.
The mentioned article 69 also states that where deemed necessary, the IPO may request technical assistance or a substantive examination from national or international technicians or specialized entities.