According to the Decision No. 447/2024 of the Management Board of the Portuguese IP Office and the Government Regulation No. 201-A/2019, new official fees are applicable in the Industrial Property…
Geographical Indications are collective intellectual property rights intended to protect the names of certain products that have specific characteristics linked to their geographic origin. GIs are linked to the historical…
We are delighted to announce that Simões Garcia Corte-Real & Associados and its trademark professionals were again recommended by the international magazine World Trademark Review for 2024! We are honored…
The official fees for industrial property rights applicable in the Industrial Property Institute of Mozambique were updated by the Ministerial Decree No. 154/2023, of 29 December. The fees were substantially…
On October 18, 2023, the Government of Portugal deposited its instrument of ratification to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indication (“Geneva Act”). This ratification…
On 2 August 2023, the Government of São Tome and Principe deposited its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical…
A European Patent (EP) application may generally be filed at the European Patent Office or the national Patent Office (if the national law so permits). In some countries, however, certain…
We are delighted to announce that Simões Garcia Corte-Real & Associados was awarded Trademark Prosecution Firm of the Year in Portugal! The 2023 award was presented in London during a gala…